Ticon – Drammen
Ticon Eiendom AS | +plusfacade | 440 sqm Dynamic & 600 sqm Energy | ConverLight®
Energy efficiency with +plus facade
The project involved renovation of a commercial and office building, where over 85% of the buildings energy use was saved without affecting the architecture. ConverLight® Dynamic was chosen as window glass for a sustainable solar protection that increases indoor comfort and energy efficiency in the building. ConverLight® Energy, colored solar facades, were also installed for a further energy producing facade.
The electrochromic technology in our smart dynamic solar control stops the solar heat before it enters the building. ConverLight® Dynamic blocks up to 90% of the solar heat radiation and isolates as good as a wall, while still providing full access to daylight and view.
With energy producing facade glass we can provide real estate properties that create more energy than they consume.
- Energy saving
- Dynamic –> Dynamic solar control
- Reduced CO2 emissions
- Architectural freedom
- Access to daylight and views