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ChromoGenics receives order for delivery of ConverLight® dynamic glass to IHUS
ChromoGenics AB (publ) has been selected to deliver 80 sqm dynamic skylights to cover the atrium at IHUS. The contract is a so-called retrofit project where existing glass is upgraded to ConverLight® to improve energy efficiency and indoor comfort for increased sustainability.
ChromoGenics will deliver ConverLight® dynamic roof glass for one of IHUS’ properties in Uppsala during the second quarter of 2018. IHUS has two identical properties where ConverLight® will be installed in one of the properties. The energy efficiency and indoor comfort will be measured and followed up through a cooperation with STUNS Energi, a trust aimed at supporting innovations and entrepreneurship as well as managing energy and environmental projects in cooperation with the university and the private and public sectors. A group of students from Uppsala University will follow this project and present the results in a future study.
IHUS lets and manages thirty properties to both private and public companies in Uppsala with the mission to promote growth and development. IHUS has a strong sustainability ethos driven by a systematic approach with a focus on social, environmental and economic issues.
“We offer environmentally intelligent, innovative and dynamic property solutions to private and public companies striving to grow and expand in Uppsala. ChromoGenics’ innovative technology ConverLight® is just what we have been looking for to come to terms with properties becoming overly bright and hot from the skylights in our properties at Fålhagsleden in Uppsala. It is very exciting to work with a local company that will provide us with their own unique technology,” says Maria Säfström, Vice President and Head of Sustainability at IHUS.
“We are proud to be part of the IHUS project together with STUNS focussing on sustainable buildings. It is also a great opportunity to show that under equal weather conditions our unique technology delivers desired functionality and adds value for customers,” says Thomas Almesjö, CEO of ChromoGenics. ”Our product ConverLight® controls heat- and light transmission, while daylight and views are kept. This leads to energy savings and improves the comfort for the people inside the building. ConverLight® also helps reduce maintenance costs and helps achieve Green Building certifications which is a major priority for both the EU and companies’ sustainability efforts,” adds Thomas Almesjö.
About IHUS
AB Uppsala kommuns Industrihus (IHUS) is an independent limited liability company which is part of Uppsala municipality. The company was founded in 1972 and is fully owned by Uppsala Stadshus AB. IHUS strives to help create further development in Uppsala by providing space for growth.
IHUS is a property company driven by the opportunity to make Uppsala better. For businesses, for the municipality and for you! We own around thirty properties in central and greater Uppsala where we let offices, industrial space and storage facilities.
STUNS is a meeting place and strategic discussion forum where local and regional decision makers from all sectors of society can come together around new opportunities and common goals. Collaboration between the universities of Uppsala, the business community and public organisations in Uppsala to promote the development of companies focusing on new areas was one of the corner stones when STUNS was formed in 1983.
Thomas Almesjö, CEO
Susanne Andersson, CFO and Head of Communications
Tel: +46 (0)18 430 0430
About ChromoGenics
ChromoGenics offers dynamic glass with controllable heat- and light transmission. The company’s unique technology ConverLight® provides sustainable solar control for increased indoor comfort and energy efficiency. ConverLight® also contributes to Green Building certifications. In 2016 the company started commercial sales to real estate projects in Scandinavia.
ChromoGenics is located in Uppsala, Sweden, and the technology is derived from the world leading research center at Ångström Laboratory at Uppsala University. The plant has been partly financed by a conditional loan from the Swedish Energy Agency. ChromoGenics share (CHRO) is listed on Nasdaq First North Stockholm with G&W Fondkommission as Certified Adviser.
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