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ChromoGenics secures funding for offensive market expansion – rights issue subscribed to 81.3 percent
ChromoGenics AB (publ) raises approximately SEK 33 million in the recently completed rights issue, securing funding for the company’s target for an offensive market expansion over the next 12 months.
Outcome of the rights issue
In total, 18.866.458 units were subscribed for, corresponding to approximately 81.3% of the total offer in the rights issue. 7.952.557 units, corresponding to approximately 34.3% of the offer, were subscribed for with unit/subscription rights. 1.437.297 units, corresponding to approximately 6.2% of the offer, were subscribed for without unit/subscription rights. 9.476.604 units, corresponding to approximately 40.8% of the offer, were subscribed for by the guarantee consortium. In addition to the outcome of the rights issue, 26.545 units were subscribed for as settlement of guarantee fees.
In total, the company raises approximately SEK 33.0 million before issue costs.
Through the issue, the company’s share capital will initially increase by SEK 3.778.600:44. The number of shares in the company increases by 18.893.003, which means that the total number of shares and votes in the company thereafter amounts to 42.107.329.
Terms for warrants of series TO2
In addition to one (1) share, each unit also includes one (1) warrant of series TO2. One (1) warrant entitles the holder to subscribe for one (1) new share in the company at a subscription price per share of 3.50 SEK during the period 10-31 January 2020.
A maximum of 18.893.003 new shares can be issued based on the warrants. At a full subscription of these shares, the company will receive an additional SEK 66.1 million.
Recalculation of previously issued warrants (TO1)
As a result of the present rights issue, the terms of the warrants (TO1) issued in 2017, that can be subscribed for during the period 1-31 May 2018, have been recalculated. After such recalculation, each warrant of series TO1 entitles the holder to subscribe for 0.26 share at a strike price of SEK 9.87.
Trading in paid subscribed units (Sw. “BTU”, betald tecknad unit) and delivery of new shares and warrants
Trading in BTUs will take place on Nasdaq First North until the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Sw. Bolagsverket) has registered the rights issue. This registration is expected to take place during the period 5-9 February 2018. Delivery of new shares and warrants is expected to take place between 12-16 February. Trading in the newly issued shares and warrants will start on Nasdaq First North after registration of the rights issue by the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Sw. Bolagsverket).
Financial and legal advisors regarding the Rights Issue
Evli Bank Plc. is financial advisor and Advokatfirman Lindahl KB is legal advisor to ChromoGenics in connection with the rights issue.
For more information, please contact
Thomas Almesjö, CEO
Susanne Andersson, CFO & Head of Communications
+46 (0)18 430 04 30
Certified Adviser: G&W Fondkommission
This information constitutes such information that ChromoGenics AB (publ) is obligated to disclose in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted by the above-mentioned contact persons for publication on 26 January 2018, at 19:30 p.m. CET.
Every care has been taken in the translation of this document. In the event of discrepancies, the Swedish original will supersede the English translation.
About ChromoGenics
ChromoGenics is a leader in dynamic glass with controllable heat- and light transmission. The company’s unique electrochromic technology ConverLight® provides sustainable solar control with increased indoor comfort and energy efficiency. In 2016 the company started commercial sales to real estate projects in Scandinavia.
ChromoGenics is located in Uppsala and has about 20 employees. The technology is derived from the world leading research center at Ångström Laboratory at Uppsala University. The plant has been partly financed by a conditional loan from the Swedish Energy Agency. ChromoGenics share (CHRO) is listed on Nasdaq First North Stockholm with G&W Fondkommission as Certified Adviser.
Co-financed by