Solar Control In Educational Buildings – Studies Show That Access To Daylight Improves Academic Performance
Solar control systems in educational buildings have great impact on working environment of students and teachers. This is stated by new research on the subject.
In Europe, about 64 million children spend more time at school than anywhere apart from their home. It makes you question how important well-functioning solar and climate control in educational buildings are for the students’ ability to learn and perform. According to new research, it is a crucial factor that can’t be overlooked.
A study by Professor and school design researcher Peter Barrett at the University of Salford states that well-designed primary schools boost children’s academic performance when it comes to reading, writing and maths. Natural light, indoor temperature and air quality are physical characteristics of the classrooms found particularly influential, accounting for half of the learning impact. Although a secondary factor, links to nature may also be important for the creative processes.
Good Indoor Climate = Better Grades
Sunny days should not be wasted. Another study showed that students with more daylight in their classrooms were 20% faster on math tests and 26% faster on reading tests.
Findings that were validated by another study by UPMC / INSERM (Epidemiology of Allergic and Respiratory Disease (EPAR) Department, IPLESP) in France indicated that pupils working in classrooms with larger windows, with greater sun inlet, performed 15% better in both mathematical and logical tests compared to classrooms with small size windows. Results that state the importance of windows in educational buildings facing south and providing daylight – pointing on the conjunction with higher test scores.
The solution? ChromoGenics Glass!
Large glazing facades, providing an abundance of important daylight, do not need to be avoided due to solar heat radiation or risk of glare. Nor do they need to be supplemented with external sun shades that block the views of nature and prevent the influx of daylight.
ChromoGenics offers innovative, sustainable and flexible solar control solutions that are optimal for educational buildings – ConverLight® dynamic glass and I-Window energy glass. ChromoGenics Glass provides educational buildings with efficient solar control, which improves energy efficiency and indoor comfort as well as contributes to green building certifications. In addition, ChromoGenics products are as opposed to traditional external solar protection, a maintenance-free solution.
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